Why are you still awake?
maybe after 2 years

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That day, I developed this love-hate sentiment for airports. Watching you go, made my heart sink. But the fact that you're going to accomplish something, made it sail.
Since then, each time we make an effort to beat time zones & the four thousand odd miles between us, with pep talks at wee hours, scrabble tournaments, guitar sessions, Skype long walk dates - we win a little in a world that says LDRs don't work.
My math has improved because I've to keep count of days left to your next visit and calculate time difference during the day. I'm happy that your cooking skills have improved. Because mine never will. We've come a long way from getting conscious on video calls to being ugly-comfy max. Except you showing off your dirty socks - that bit kind of sucks, babe.
On some days, sharing music, memes & memoirs is just not enough. I hate that I can't hold your hand. I miss your touch. I miss having you around. Visiting places you like without you, is not even half the fun. Not to forget the mini-paranoia trip I get when either of us loses internet.
All I have is your bracelet on my wrist & the promise of trying 'full-power. Some days when we hang up, i'm left wanting for more.
I wonder if we would've grown so close had it not been for the distance. So much for excelsior, no? For you I'll wait till the end because maybe long distances don't work, but believe me love sure does.