A Letter of Closure.
i hope this finds you, i hope you don't find this

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To you,
This is probably my last letter (or the lack of it) to you. I need to move on; writing letters doesn't help anymore. To be honest, I don't have a lot to say, except: I miss you, but I don't want you back.
Loving you has become exhausting. I'm loosening my grip now; I should've done that earlier. A part of me will always love you, and I'll let it. I'll love you from a distance. In that distance, we're still us - we will always be. I'm happy to have known you, to have loved you, to have been a part of your life. But I deserve more than "have been"s and "used to be"s. I deserve more than the remnants of your presence. I don't blame you. Things end; it's okay. I hope your heart heals.
I will remember you as a bittersweet memory. I'm thankful for both the 'bitter' and the 'sweet': they've taught me a lot about loving and being loved.
You can knock on my door, but don't expect to find home. It's not the same anymore.
Goodbye, finally? Finally.
Doing this is hard, but my heart needs it.
Yours no longer, Me.