New Game?
Lets talk video games!

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One of the many things that are constant in my life like me being broke all the time and other sad stuffs , video game was one of the first. It started all the way from having a Game-boy clone , yeah the black ones with yellow buttons, that had like 4~5 games in like. One of my favorites was speed racer. You would drive a infinity long road avoiding other vehicles and that to a 10 year old me was a blast. Then came the 8 bit NES video games, The one I had wasn't mine , one of my cousins had it and he gave it to me. Initially I had two cartages, but later collected more , yeah i still remember that catchy title
999999 games in 1
The fun thing is that they actually had that much games but it was the same games copied many times. That good old days of Contra and Super Mario.

My friend used to come to my house now and then and we used to play Power ranger together. I still remember , there a special character in that game named White Ranger and you could only get that by a special set of moves in the main menu, we used to take tunes and try our luck until one of us got that special character. It was modern equivalent of co-op games.
The local library bought a computer, which then became my Sunday morning hangout. Although it had only one game in it "Road rash" I'd play it for hours. Except gaming I'd also mess around the then newly introduced Windows xp, I'd explore every nook and canary to find features. I used paint a lot, you could say I discovered the equivalent of anti aliasing through it , experimenting how one pixel never overlapped the other. As everything has an ending, so did the library computer. A fatal lightning strike made it meet it's maker.
Then couple of years after, my cousin was gifted a PC, although it wasn't as fast as the library one but it was Computer altogether. It was windows 98 and had a number of games per-installed in it. Like Aladdin, road rash , space dash. I even brought two CD of wolfanstine but never was able to install it. The installation time so long I'd eventually get frustrated and stop the installation.
Then around 2006, for the first time I'd be introduced to Counter strike.

I absolutely fell in love with that game. And the rest is, well you can say I stuck to that game for a while.