Why We Stop Playing Games with Our Friends
A Reflection on the Changing Landscape of Gaming

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I still remember me and my friends would spend hours playing Counter Strike either in an internet cafe. When some of us finally got internet connection at home we would play until 2 or 3 in the morning on weekends, fueled by adrenaline and the thrill of competition.
Back then, the only barrier to our play time was homework and studies but now, time has become the new challenge. During those days, we played in many tournaments, both offline and online, and won some of them. It was a great feeling to be able to compete with others and show off our skills. However, now that we've grown older, we've found ourselves with more responsibilities and less time to play. Work and other commitments have taken up a large part of our schedules, making it harder to coordinate game sessions with friends.
Another reason why we don't play games with our friends as much as we used to is because there are simply too many choices. There are so many games to play, unlike back then when there were only one or two games that the whole Teamspeak server would play. It can be overwhelming to choose which game to play and more harder to find a game that everyone is interested in playing.
Despite these changes, I still miss the days when we used to stay up late to watch CS:GO matches and play co-op games like "Minecraft" or "Rust". There was something special about playing these games with my friends, working together to achieve a common goal, and the excitement of completing a challenging task. I also miss doing Destiny 2 vaults runs, raids, where we would work together as a team to overcome obstacles and do boss fights.
While the landscape of gaming has changed significantly over the years, the memories and emotions associated with playing with friends will always hold a special place in our hearts. No matter how much time has passed, or how many new games have been released, the memories of those late-night gaming sessions will always be with us. It's a reminder of a simpler time, when the only thing that mattered was the bond we shared with our friends and the enjoyment we had playing games together.
And so, as I reflect on these memories, I realize that the gaming world may have changed, but the power of friendship and the memories we create will always endure. These memories will continue to inspire us, drive us forward, and provide a sense of comfort in a world that can often feel uncertain.
So I say to you, my fellow gamers, hold on to these memories, cherish them, and never let them fade. For even though the games may have stopped, the memories and the bonds we formed through them will last a lifetime. And I promise, one day, we will play again.