Unclaimed, Yet Unforgettable

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I burnt my right hand while bursting firecrackers once, a white pot precisely. It took two and a half weeks to fully heal. I still have the mark on my skin—big and brown, reminding me of the incident every single time I muster the courage to light up a sparkler again.
Don't do too much; you know where you'll end up - it wispers
I have developed a hatred towards Soan Papdi. It's the silliest thing. One night, after a fight with a friend, I ended up eating a little too much. I remember vomiting the entire night and being sick for the next two days. Every time I am at the shop craving Soan Papdi, I am reminded of how terrible those two days were.
It happened 2 years ago, but the body doesn't forget; it always remembers. I flinch at the thought of tasting it, even when I know that it won't happen again.
The what-ifs never leave me alone.
Yesterday, you told me you loved me. It was the first time anyone had ever said that to me. I was silent, consumed by a whirlwind of emotions and thoughts. I've seen love go wrong and watched it tear people apart. I can't afford that, not now, especially after the seven years I've known you.
what! - the only thing i could say at that time
Your words over the call took me by surprise. The past, with its scars and bitter tastes, has often clouded my present. I've treaded cautiously, fearing the repetition of old mistakes. I have been scared of making the same mistake twice all my life. Somewhere, I know I have been punishing myself for my occasional miscalculations that gave me some sort of regret for a lifetime. It goes for firecrackers, Soan Papdi, making friends, and staying in love.
I am already assuming the worst, even when things can go right.
While the past has made me cautious, I've also learned that not every leap leads to a fall. Sometimes, it might just lead to a flight. After all, life is about finding the balance between the scars we bear and the new stories we're yet to write.