Alone but Not Lonely
Coping through Hobbies

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Sometimes, it will be just you and your favorite ice cream flavor against all your stresses;
you and your cup of coffee versus every reason that will make you feel down that day;
you and your current book read against the sadness you have deep inside—maybe, setting it aside for awhile while reading other's stories might help;
you and your online games versus those that make you feel like a failure—at least in this dimension, you can still feel like a victor;
or your chosen series to be watched against this world that is so fast-pacing.
There will be moments when you can't find anyone to hear your rants out, to listen to your stories, because there will be times that those you lean on to will be on the same situation as you are—stressed and in need of their own time, protecting their own peace of mind.
But on these kind of instances—not having anyone to be there for you—may you find something else that will help you; something that will ease your storm within, something that will alleviate your burdens inside. May you find some help in things that will soothe your soul and calm your mind. And may these things constantly give you these small reasons to go on living, to keep on going.